Kandahari House
Herat, Afghanistan

Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme
While the Alam Qandahari house is said to have been built in around 1865, its present form seems to date from the mid-20th century. Access to the house is via a vaulted passage or dalan, with doors to each of the two dwellings that make up the complex. To the east are the family quarters, arranged in the manner of traditional Herati homes of this period; a double-storey range of rooms faces north, for use in the summer, and a south-facing range on a single storey with an arcaded veranda, for use in the winter months. The north-facing elevation of this house is unusual in having extensive glazed tile work, more in the manner of a religious building. All rooms in the dwelling face on to a large courtyard, which is brick paved and has a central pool. The adjoining dwelling, which was used for guests, is more modest in scale and decoration. The house was restored by AKTC during 2007- 2009.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Old City of Herat, Bar Durrani quarter, Kucha-e Rokhband, Herat, Afghanistan

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1920, restored 2007-2008

Additional Names

Haji Mohamad Alam Qandahari House

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