Rehabiltation of Jahili Fort
Al 'Ayn, United Arab Emirates

The Jahili Fort was built at the end of the nineteenth century to protect the oasis at Al Ain, now the second-largest city in Abu Dhabi. This project has seen the restoration and adaptive reuse of part of the fort as an exhibition and visitor centre. The aim has been to respect the original structure and strengthen its architecture. Later accretions have been removed. As far as possible, the restoration has been carried out using traditional techniques and materials, and in many instances, existing materials were reused, with historical earth bricks and mortar soaked in water and reformed, and palm leaves treated for termite and reinstalled.


Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture, 2011.


Al 'Ayn, United Arab Emirates

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Associated Names


Rehabilitation from 2007-2008
Occupancy 2008

Site Types

