Burj-i Mihmandust
Damghan, Iran

The date for the construction of the tower, as inscribed on the epigraphic band around the tower, is 1097. The tower has a cylindrical chamber with a slightly protruding entrance portal. The roof is now missing but is thought to have been conical in shape. The entrance is located on the northern side of the chamber.

The chamber, which is placed on a shallow base, has been divided into two distinct decorative sections on the exterior. The lower part of chamber consists of twelve equal panels that have been separated by triangular pier buttresses. Each panel incorporates a shallow niche with a pointed arch.

The upper part of the chamber has five different decorative bands, all made of brick. The lowest band consists of a series of projecting brackets with curvilinear profile. Above is a band of deep niches topped by a band of rectangles. A band of Kufic inscription above contains the name of the patron, Amir Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali Mihmandust, and the date of construction. The elongated Kufic letters are stylized with knotted motifs arranged symmetrically around them. The uppermost band consists of a series of abstract Swastika and L patterns resembling Kufic writing.

The exterior of the tower shows signs of recent renovation. The entrance portal is thought to have been rebuilt, slightly larger than the original.


Hoag, John D. 1987. Islamic Architecture. New York: Rizzoli.

Hatim, Ghulam Ali. 2000. Mimari-i Islami-i Iran dar dawrah-i Saljuqian. Tehran: Muassasah-i Intisharat-i Jihad-i Danishgahi, 121-125.


20 kilometers northwest of Damghan, Damghan, Iran

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Associated Names

Associated Collections


1097/490-91 AH

Style Periods

Additional Names

Mihmandust Tomb Tower
Gunbad-i Mihmandust

Site Types
