Jami' Bur al-Kabir
Bowr, Yemen

The Great Mosque of Bor was first constructed in the middle of the tenth century by Saiyid 'Abd Allah Ahmad ibn Isa, the son of Saiyid Ahmad ibn 'Isa al-Muhajir, a descendant of the Prophet who came to the Hadramawt valley from Iraq around 951. The floor plan recalls that of the Great Mosque at Shibam, a rectangular brick structure organized around a central courtyard with columns supporting a flat roof. A second floor was added the original mosque in the fifteenth century.

Today, the mosque lies in a state of deterioration and disrepair, with the qibla wall completely destroyed. Some of the prayer hall columns are still standing, with their round and pointed horseshoe arches. The minaret of the mosque is located at the southwest corner of the site and is made of unbaked brick. It rises from a square base into a circular shaft that is decorated with a blind arcade at the top. A pointed dome tops the shaft.


Lewcock, Ronald B.. Wadi ?a?ramawt and the walled city of Shibam, 31-32. Paris: UNESCO, 1986.

Shibam Online. "Bor: Mosque of Abd Allah". Accessed July 9, 2004. http://www.shibamonline.net/eng/wadi19.php.


Bowr, Yemen

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Associated Names


mid-10th c./4th c. AH

Style Periods

Variant Names

Great Mosque of Bur
Jami' Bur

Site Types
