Omani Tribal School and Clinic
Hayma', Oman

The programme developed in two phases. Phase One began with the construction of a reverse osmosis plant, activated by the use of solar energy. The construction of a hospital, offices, and accommodation for medical personnel and the representatives of several Ministries followed. Phase Two concentrated on the construction of a school hostel and the completion of service facilities to the offices and accommodation units of phase one. The general layout consists of the main service area, hospital, and offices orientated to the east, and the accommodation facilities which are orientated towards the south. A mosque, situated to the northwest, is easily accessible from both the centre and the highway. The building vary from one-storey blocks of multi-family housing, organised on a square plan with small interior courts, to two-storey blocks, likeqise linked by large interior courts and housing the main services. Construction system is reinforced concrete slabs, columns and beams, cast in-situ, with non load-bearing blockwork infill.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Hayma', Oman

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Omani Tribal School and Clinic

Site Types

health care