Sa Bassa Blanca is a large villa built for artists Yannick Vu and Ben Jakober on the island of Mallorca off the eastern coast of Spain. It is the first building constructed by Hassan Fathy in Western Europe. It is modeled on a ribat, with it crenelated walls, domes and central courtyard garden.
Most windows are covered by wooden lattices called “mushrabeyehs” and the doors and floor tiling are antique elements brought from Andalucía, Northern Spain and Morocco. The existing “Aljibe” or underground water reservoir was transformed into an exhibition space in 1994 and in 2007 the new underground area “Sokrates” was brought into service. Neither competes with the architecture of the great Hassan Fathy.
--, Fundación Yannick y Ben Jakober, accessed November 17, 2014
The building now houses an art museum of the Fundación Yannick y Ben Jakober.
Sources:"Museu Sa Bassa Blanca - Fundación Yannick Y Ben Jakober." Architecture. Accessed November 17, 2014., James. 1997.
An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson, 1997.