Mosque of East Sultan Ghari (Mission for Indian History and Archaeology)
New Delhi, India

1959-62 Survey

This mosque, five bays long and two bays deep, has a cross-vaulted ceiling and a flat roof. From the remains in the vicinity, the courtyard was originally surrounded by a wall, and it is likely a small gateway was located on the eastern side. It was built in the early part of the Slave Dynasty and is said to have been repaired by Fīrūz Shāh Tughluq. It is situated around 70 m east-south-east of the tomb popularly known as Sulṭān Ghārī (T-1, Ill. 73-74). Its walls completely collapsed sometime between the survey carried out in 1959 and the supplementary survey in 1962.

スルターン・ガリー(Sultan Garhi;Sulṯān Gaṛhī)東方のモスクとよぶ。クトゥブ・ミーナール(Quṯb Mīnār)の西方約4.9キロメートル,マヒパールプル(Mahipalpur; Mahīpālpur )部落の東南約1.4キロメートル,メへローリー=ロードの南側にある。附図.D-12
間口5間・奥行2間のモスクで,交叉ヴォールトの天井と平坦な屋根をもっている。周囲の痕跡からみて,おそらくは,その前庭は,囲壁によって囲まれ,その東側に,小さな門を開いていたと推定される。このモスクは,奴隷王朝初期に建てられ,フィローズシャー・トゥグルク(Fīroz Shāh Tughluq)が補修したとされている,スルターン・ガリーとよばれる墓建築の,ほぼ東南東約70メートルに位置している。なお,このモスクは,1959年の現地調査と,1962年の補足調査とのあいだに,壁をのこして完全に崩壊してしまった。第Ⅱ期。

2015-18 Survey

This was found covered with weeds in a jungle, but with an ASI signboard. In Delhi, it is written that this structure had collapsed between 1959 and 1962, leaving just the west wall. It has further deteriorated; only the walls of the southwest section remain.





Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.

Map Reference : Grid ref. D-12, Ill. 28b.

IOC Reference : M15, IX-3

ASI Reference : IV-106

Archived IOC Site Record:


Vasant Kunj Road, New Delhi, India

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Associated Names

Associated Collections


It was built in the early part of the Slave Dynasty
Restored by Feroz Shah Tughlaq

Style Periods

Additional Names

Eastern Mosque of Sultan Ghali

Site Types

