Mosque at Qadam Sharif (Mission for Indian History and Archaeology)
New Delhi, India

1959-62 Survey

This is a small mosque, three bays long and two bays deep, with a cross-vaulted ceiling and a flat roof. On the roof is an octagonal chatrī (kiosk-turret) with a roof in the shape of a pyramid. The ceiling of the mosque is, unusually, covered with banded and circular patterns, but as it is still used as a mosque, these are covered by thick whitewash. This building is thought to be connected with Qadam Sharīf to the south.

カダム・シャリーフ(Qadam Sharīf)のモスクとよぶ。ニューデリー鉄道駅の北北西約600メートル,クトゥブ=ロードの西約200メートルにあるカダム・シャリーフの城壁の西端にある。附図.H-6

2015-18 Survey

T99 remains, but the old mosque next to it has been demolished, and a new ferroconcrete mosque has been built with no gate on the east. Other buildings crowd the area. In 2018, locals confirmed that M21 was destroyed


[平面]間口3間奥行2間の礼拝室でM15を小さくした形である。Monuments of Delhiによると礼拝室内間口7m奥行6.3mで、中庭は間口9m奥行7m。

[外観] 1959-62年の写真には、東側に前廊が増築されているが、本来のファサードの柱は2本柱とし、1間ごとに両端と2つの持送が残り、おそらく軒を有したと思われる。他のモスクと異なるのは、屋上に8本柱のチャトリをもつ点である。チャトリは軒を張り出しドームでなく8角錐の屋根をいただく。このChattriは、上部周囲にU字型の囲いをまわすので、M21西壁がO8のボルジュ内に設けられ、集落西壁のChattriだったのかもしれない。


Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.

Map Reference : Grid ref. H-6. Ill. 33.

IOC Reference : M21, II-7

ASI Reference : II-350

Archived IOC Site Record:


10544, Bagichi Allauddin, Paharganj, New Delhi, New Delhi, India

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This timeline aligns with the broader architectural activities of Feroz Shah, who ruled from 1351 to 1388 CE

Style Periods

Additional Names

Qila Qadam Shrief
Dargah Qadam Sharif

Site Types

