Mosque at Shahpur Jat (Mission for Indian History and Archaeology)
New Delhi, India

1959-1962 Survey

Mosque at Shpur Jat. Located on the western outskirts of the village of Shpur Jat. Grid ref. G-11, Ill. 23.

Today a square domed building with an outer measurement of 11.7 m remains; this was originally the central prayer hall of the mosque. Remains of adjoining prayer rooms two bays deep are to be seen to the north and south. From remains on the northern and southern sides we know that there were side rooms and surrounding walls. The central prayer room has three mirbs on the western side, and there appear to have been three small entrances surrounded by large arches in the eastern facade. This section however has collapsed and the arch is now supported by two modern pillars. There are two corridors leading out from the side prayer rooms.




2015-18 Survey

This monument is managed by ASI and not used as a mosque. In the 1959-62 photos, two rectangular pillars are seen on the east facade of the central domed room, but these were removed during restoration. Today the lower part of the facade has three arches of the same height supported by piers, and in the upper part, there is an arch-shaped window. However, there are few mosques with piers from the mid Tughluq period (M28 and M29 have piers but may date to the late Sultanate years). Considering that the mihrab surface of the west wall, as well as the north and south surfaces, have high centers, and that the similar facades of T73, T74, and T75 have their center arches peak at a higher level, it is possible that the east facade once had a high center arch.




[中央礼拝室]正方形壁体にドームをのせた壁式ドーム建築で、Monuments of Delhi によると内径は7.3m。東面の大アーチの開口部に3分割のファサードとする点は、M4、T73、T74、T75と共通する。内部はスクインチ・アーチの上に16連アーチを回し、その上にドームが載り、T25やT32と移行部の様相が類似する。外観は8角形ドラムを立上げ、頂部飾を回しドームとする。

Map Reference : G-11, Ill. 23

IOC Reference : M10, Ⅷ-4;

ASI Reference : Ⅲ-294

Archived IOC Site Record:


New Delhi, India

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Tohfe Wala Gumbad
तोहफेवाला गुम्बद

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