1959-62 Survey
Called the Maḥal East of Begampur. Located approximately 300 m east of Begampur Mosque. Grid ref. G-12
This is a large building with rooms surrounding an inner courtyard. The central part of the west side comprises three rooms with pyramidal roofs, and may have been used as a mosque. On the rooftop of the northwest corner, there is a watchtower-like structure with two rooms and an entrance opening to the north rooftop. The roof of this watchtower is flat, and there are small verandahs in three directions (excepting the south). In the center of the courtyard is a graveyard assumed to be from later years, surrounded by a wall. There was once a colonnade outside the rooms on the north side but it has collapsed in recent years and there are only now pillars scattered among the ruins. As to the purpose of this building, ASI offers the theory that it may have been a khānqā; there is also another theory that it was the residence of a noble, but it is difficult to say from its current state. It is possible that this building was built as late as the Mughal period.
2015-18 Survey
This structure has been restored and repaired by ASI for preservation. There is a keeper here, and though visitors are allowed inside, there are not many.
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22.
IOC Reference : O21, Ⅷ-14;
ASI Reference :Ⅲ-265
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/8ZVP-L74M
1959-62 Survey
Called the Maḥal East of Begampur. Located approximately 300 m east of Begampur Mosque. Grid ref. G-12
This is a large building with rooms surrounding an inner courtyard. The central part of the west side comprises three rooms with pyramidal roofs, and may have been used as a mosque. On the rooftop of the northwest corner, there is a watchtower-like structure with two rooms and an entrance opening to the north rooftop. The roof of this watchtower is flat, and there are small verandahs in three directions (excepting the south). In the center of the courtyard is a graveyard assumed to be from later years, surrounded by a wall. There was once a colonnade outside the rooms on the north side but it has collapsed in recent years and there are only now pillars scattered among the ruins. As to the purpose of this building, ASI offers the theory that it may have been a khānqā; there is also another theory that it was the residence of a noble, but it is difficult to say from its current state. It is possible that this building was built as late as the Mughal period.
2015-18 Survey
This structure has been restored and repaired by ASI for preservation. There is a keeper here, and though visitors are allowed inside, there are not many.
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22.
IOC Reference : O21, Ⅷ-14;
ASI Reference :Ⅲ-265
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/8ZVP-L74M