Tomb of Mubarak Shah Sayid
New Delhi, India

1959-62 Survey

Known widely as the Tomb of Mubarāk Shāh Saiyid. Located in Mubarakpur Kotla village. Grid ref. H-10

This is a domed building with an octagonal plan, an octagonal tomb room, and a corridor surrounding the room. Each external side of the corridor has three arches buttressed on either side, giving this building a look of solidity. The rooftop of the corridor is a veranda; on each side is an eight-pillared chahatri with a small dome, for a total of eight chahatris. At the top of the central dome is another small chahatri. The tomb room has a miḥrāb on the west; the other seven sides have the same arch shape, with an entrance on the south and red sandstone screens on the other sides. The floor is paved with red sandstone, and there are seven marble tombstones in a row, with the largest in the middle. The interior of the dome is decorated with cross vault designs, and three-band designs and inscriptions around the base. The area around this building is paved in stone.

There are two gates currently remaining, one to the south, and the other to the west, probably of a large surrounding wall that used to exist. There is no proof that this building is the tomb of Mubarāk Shāh, the second sulṭān of the Saiyid Dynasty, but for a variety of reasons, this is a definite possibility.

ムバーラク=シヤー=サイイド(Mubarak Shah Saiyid)の墓としてひろく知られており,ムバーラクプル=コートラ部落の内部にある。附図.H-10




2015-18 Survey

This is preserved by ASI and surrounded by an iron fence, but it is hemmed in by high-rise buildings and strewn with rubbish. Old villages tend to retain their original network of streets while building higher and higher, making it difficult to protect the ruins left among the high-rises. There is a south gate 75m from the center of T77, and in the 1959-62 photos, the west wall of T77 is located north of M32. On Google Maps, an urban area in the shape of an octagon can be seen with T77 as its center. It is thought that there was originally an octagonal surrounding wall with gates on four sides, T77 in the center, and M32 inside the enclosure.

[現状]ASIによって鉄格子が巡らされ保存されるが、周囲は高いビルに囲まれ、ごみ捨て場のような状況である。古くからの集落は、街路網はそのままに、高層化する傾向があり、内部に取り残された遺構に対する望ましい保存は難しい。T77中心から 75mほどの位置に南門があり、1959-62年の写真にはM32の北側にT77西門がある。Google MapにT77を中心に8角形状に広がる市街地が確認でき、T77を中心に四方に門を配し、M32を含む形で、8角形の囲壁があったのではないかと思われる。



[中央墓室内観] 8辺を開口する。開口部には、持送と梁を挿入し、下部矩形と上部アーチに分け、双方に嵌め殺しジャリをいれる。下部矩形部は、西面はミフラーブ、南面は入口として開口する。下部開口部の墓室側と周廊側に柱をたて、4本の柱上に2本の梁を渡す構成とし、墓室側にジャリとミフラーブをはめ込む。ミフラーブ面では、上部にシャハーダを刻み、円形容器の吊り下げ文様、スパンドレルに8弁花を浅浮彫りする。架構は、8つのアーチの上部隅の持送を用い16角形を導き、16連アーチのドラムとし、ミフラーブ直上北寄りのアーチと点対称位置の4つのアーチにジャリを挿入する。持送によって32角形を導き4層の帯状の装飾帯を設け、ドームをのせ、交差アーチ星形文様を刻む。


Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.

Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22. 

IOC Reference : T77, Ⅳ-3,6;

ASI Reference :Ⅳ-41.

Archived IOC Site Record:


Arya Basti, Zafar Nagar, Kotla Mubarakpur, South Extension I, New Delhi, India

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1434/837 AH

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Tomb of Mubarāk Shāh Saiyid

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