Chiragh Dehli Masjid/Chiragh Delhiのモスク
Grid ref. H-12.
1959-62 Survey
This is a three-roomed rectangular building with no dome (Photo 18). ASI suggests it may have been left unfinished. It is used today as a private dwelling; due to the presence of a large number of women, those conducting the survey hesitated to enter. As a result no detailed examination was undertaken.
チラーグ・デリー(Chiragh Delhi)のモスクとよぶ。チラーグ・デリーのダルガーの西北西,バフルール・ローディー(Bahlul Lodhi; Bahlūl Lodhī)の墓と伝えられる建物のすぐ西北にある。附図.H-12 三つの部屋からなる長方形の建物で,ドームはないが,ASIは,未完成に終ったものであろうと推定している。現在では,住居として用いられており,婦人の姿が多く認められたので,あえて立ち入ることを遠慮し,詳しい調査を行なわなかった。第Ⅲ期。 東研.Ⅷ-92;ASI.Ⅲ-240
2015-18 Survey
A two-story dwelling abuts the structure and blocks the west half of the south facade. The structure itself has been partitioned for use by four households. One household occupies the south vaulted bay and uses the south entrance; it has a new wall on the north, and an east extension using the original arch on the east. The center bay, which we did not enter, has a new wall and door in the arched opening to the east. The north bay is divided by a partition wall in the center and used for storage by two households; its vaulting has been replaced with ferroconcrete.
[平面]Monuments of Delhiによると、26.5m奥行11.6m、天井は作られているがドームは未完成。『デリー』の記述によると3ベイからなるモスクである。それぞれのベイは約7.5m四方と大きく、周囲を壁とする壁式ドーム建築である。それぞれのベイは西をミフラーブとし、その他の面に小さなアーチ開口部をもつ。
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. H-12.
IOC Reference : M60, Ⅷ-92
ASI Reference : Ⅲ-240.
Archived IOC Site Record:
Chiragh Dehli Masjid/Chiragh Delhiのモスク
Grid ref. H-12.
1959-62 Survey
This is a three-roomed rectangular building with no dome (Photo 18). ASI suggests it may have been left unfinished. It is used today as a private dwelling; due to the presence of a large number of women, those conducting the survey hesitated to enter. As a result no detailed examination was undertaken.
チラーグ・デリー(Chiragh Delhi)のモスクとよぶ。チラーグ・デリーのダルガーの西北西,バフルール・ローディー(Bahlul Lodhi; Bahlūl Lodhī)の墓と伝えられる建物のすぐ西北にある。附図.H-12 三つの部屋からなる長方形の建物で,ドームはないが,ASIは,未完成に終ったものであろうと推定している。現在では,住居として用いられており,婦人の姿が多く認められたので,あえて立ち入ることを遠慮し,詳しい調査を行なわなかった。第Ⅲ期。 東研.Ⅷ-92;ASI.Ⅲ-240
2015-18 Survey
A two-story dwelling abuts the structure and blocks the west half of the south facade. The structure itself has been partitioned for use by four households. One household occupies the south vaulted bay and uses the south entrance; it has a new wall on the north, and an east extension using the original arch on the east. The center bay, which we did not enter, has a new wall and door in the arched opening to the east. The north bay is divided by a partition wall in the center and used for storage by two households; its vaulting has been replaced with ferroconcrete.
[平面]Monuments of Delhiによると、26.5m奥行11.6m、天井は作られているがドームは未完成。『デリー』の記述によると3ベイからなるモスクである。それぞれのベイは約7.5m四方と大きく、周囲を壁とする壁式ドーム建築である。それぞれのベイは西をミフラーブとし、その他の面に小さなアーチ開口部をもつ。
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. H-12.
IOC Reference : M60, Ⅷ-92
ASI Reference : Ⅲ-240.
Archived IOC Site Record: