Mawla Hassan Shrine Restoration
Al Qadmus, Syria

Aga Khan Historic Cities Programme

Al-Qadmous is an historic city with important reference points for the Ismaili community. Currently Qadmous has over 8000 residents and has an important Ismaili presence of both Jamaati and Mominshahi communities. Among the historic sites of the city, the Mosque of ‘Imam Hassan Jalal Al-Din’ located in the old city, adjacent to the Souk, the Home of Imam Sinan Rashid al-Din located in the Citadel, and Shrine of Mawla Hassan, located in a mountain top (1150m) surrounded by a forest of cedar and cypress trees, had important structural damage (following February 2023 earthquake) that need to be addressed for the safety of the inhabitants, and to preserve the historical identity of these communities.


Mawla Hassan Shrine Restoration

Sinan Rashid Al-Din erected the Shrine of Mawla Hassan in commemoration of the Qyiama or resurrection of Imam Hassan ‘Ala Dhikrihi Salam, an event that took place in ‘Alamut and is of great importance to the Ismaili doctrine. The building consists of a shrine, a mosque, and rooms that were added recently.

The earthquake caused the collapse of the walls and ceiling of the iwan room, and cracks in multiple directions in the Hadra room. Part of the façade over the vaulted entrance fell over the entrance. There were also cracks in the kitchen room and in the walls and parts of the ceiling of a recent room leaving the reinforcing steel exposed. 

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Al Qadmus, Syria

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Research and documentation: 2023
Restoration 2024

Additional Names

مقام المولى حسن

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