1959-1962 Survey
Mosque at Kalu Sarai. Located 400 m northwest of the Begampuri Masjid, in the western part of the village of Kalu Sarai. This mosque is built on a plinth and has a prayer hall seven bays wide and three bays deep. The southern section is now in ruins. Small domes surmount the east-west bays, and the interior bays have a cross-vaulted ceiling. Originally there is thought to have been an arcade to the east from the north-south sides but it no longer exists. There are distinctive stucco designs around the mihrab and on some of the squinches.
2015-18 Survey
This structure was found surrounded by buildings, but we could not go inside as it has been converted to a residence. The south part of the prayer hall and the north corridor were already collapsed in the 1960s.
Mission Credit Line : Mission for Indian History and Archaeology, University of Tokyo, in 1959-60 , 1961-62: the Resurvey of the Delhi Monuments, Research and Information Center for Asian Studies, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo in 2015-18.
Map Reference : Grid ref. G-12, Ill. 22.
IOC Reference : M09, Ⅷ-35;
ASI Reference :Ⅲ-275.
Archived IOC Site Record: https://perma.cc/ZXY2-Q6BU.