Tanger Tennis Stadium
Tangier, Morocco

The stadium includes a central court with stands for 3,500 spectators, as well as a conference room, smaller meeting room, an infirmary, a cafeteria, and locker rooms for players and referees. In addition, there are 17 training courts in the complex.


Madani, Rachid. “Reportage : Le Village Sportif de Tanger... Le Meilleur d’afrique.” L’Opinion Maroc, July 31, 2022. https://www.lopinion.ma/Reportage-Le-village-sportif-de-Tanger-le-meilleur-d-Afrique_a30004.html. Archived at: https://perma.cc/Y9YV-QSXX.


Tangier, Morocco

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ملعب التنس طنجة
Le complexe de tennis