Cecil and Ida Green Building
Cambridge, United States

Designed by I.M. Pei and Associates, the Green Building was completed in 1964. Made from reinforced concrete and rising to a height of 84 meters (277 ft), it was the tallest building in Cambridge until the construction of the 96 meter (315 ft) graduate student housing tower at 292 Main Street in Kendall Square1, part of MIT Kendall Square South of Main (SoMA) project. The north and south facades have windows. The east and west facades, where the staircases are located, are decorated only with recessed panels. The rooftop houses radio and meteorological equipment.

An expansion currently under construction will add about 12,000 square feet.2

(September 2022)


1 MIT. 2016. “MIT Kendall Square - SoMa Project Parcel C, Building 4.” MIT - City of Cambridge, MA. https://www.cambridgema.gov/~/media/Files/CDD/ZoningDevel/SpecialPermits/sp302_303_mit/sp303_design_bldg4_plans.pdf?la=en. Archived at https://perma.cc/5PGL-LJER/.

2 MIT Resource Development. 2019. “A Major Expansion For The Green Building | MIT Spectrum.” MIT Spectrum. August 22, 2019. https://spectrum.mit.edu/summer-2019/a-major-expansion-for-the-green-building/. Archived at https://perma.cc/C5JY-KTAG.


“Visitor Information | MIT Department Of Earth, Atmospheric And Planetary Sciences.” n.d. MIT. Accessed September 12, 2022. https://eapsweb.mit.edu/about/directions. Archived at https://perma.cc/4V4U-VMDP.

Wikipedia. 2022. “Green Building (MIT).” Wikipedia. September 13, 2022. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Building_(MIT). Archived at: https://perma.cc/5E5L-JUAZ.


21 Ames Street, Cambridge, United States

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h. 84 m.

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Green Building
Building 54

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