Evliya Çelebi describes one of the area’s famous products: There is found an unequalled kind of cherry in its hills. It is so famous in the land of Greeks, Arabs, and Persians that the latter call it the Greek gülnâr [Rum gülnârı]. Its juicy cherry weighs one riyal.
Source: Travel Account, 17th century
-Nurhan Atasoy, Seyit Ali Kahraman
Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnâmesi: Topkapı Sarayı Bağdat 304 Yazmasının transkripsiyonu (Open in Zotero)
Originally published at: Atasoy, Nurhan, and Seyit Ali Kahraman “Rumeli Hisarı Promenade.” Middle East Gardens Traditions. Dumbarton Oaks, December 1, 2014. https://www.doaks.org/resources/middle-east-garden-traditions/catalogue/C98. Archived at: https://perma.cc/5UDZ-R9BM.