Talar-i Tavila (MEGT)
Isfahan, Iran

The earliest mention of Talar-i Tavila is in Khulaṣat al Siyar
On 23 Shawwāl 1046/20 March 1637, Persian New Year was celebrated at a tālār built by the shadow of God (Safi I) in the midst of the stables (ṭavīlah). It is again recorded by Khvajagi Isfahani as the site of ambassadorial and New Year receptions in 1047, 1050, and 1051. This columned porch (tālār), located behind the royal stables and to the side of ‘Ali Qapu, still existed in the Qajar period (1785–1924) and is mentioned in Majmu'a Nasseri as a spacious audience hall (divān khānah). Its tālār was painted with figures and the rooms named Murvarid were gilded and had muqarnas. There were numerous fine rooms on the lower and upper floor and a great basin in front that was attached to the longitudinal lake. Three khalvats were on three sides of the building. According to Jabiri, it was destroyed by Zill al-Sultan in the year 1318 AH/1901.
Source: Travel Account, 1684

-Mavash Alemi


Der konigliche Marstall in Isfahan und Engelbert Kaempfers planographia des Palasbezirkes 1712 (Open in Zotero)

Safavid Palaces at Isfahan: Continuity and Change (1590–1666) (Open in Zotero)

Les palais d’Isfahan (Open in Zotero)

Khulaṣat al-Siyar (Open in Zotero)

Safavid Royal Gardens and Their Urban Relationships (Open in Zotero)

Tarikh-i Isfahan va Ray va hamah-i jahan (Open in Zotero)

Originally published at: Alemi, Mahvash. “Talar-i Tavila.” Middle East Garden Traditions. Dumbarton Oaks, November 18, 2014. https://www.doaks.org/resources/middle-east-garden-traditions/catalogue#b_start=0&c6=Safavid+Gardens. Archived at:https://perma.cc/H4VG-8VF7


Isfahan, Iran

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Dates of attested life: 1637-1901
Date of entry of information: September 2007

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Talar-i Tavila

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