Lukash Museum of Religious Heritage
جامع القصبة، Tétouan, Morocco, Morocco

Construction of the Luqash Madrasa was begun by Hadj Omar Luqash and completed by his son, Mohammed Luqash when he was governor of Tetouan (1750-1757/1163-1170 AH). It is unique in that it is the only structure in the Tetouan medina in which the religious function was complemented by a residential educational institution. Students of the madrasa were housed in 54 rooms around two courtyards, one large with a garden, the other much smaller. The use of pointed arches in the mosque suggests a date later than that madrasa, which is characterized by almost circular, less-pointed arches. According to Antonio Bravo-Nieto, citing an analysis by Nadia Erzini, pointed arches were introduced by Pasha Al-Rifi in the second quarter of the 18th century (138). The minaret features blind arches and crenelations, but is otherwise undecorated. The original ablution courtyard is independent of the mosque and madrasa, and can be accessed from M'Kadem Street. The mosque has 3 entrances with the principal entrance on the Grand Plaza.

The madrasa was particularly important in the first half of the 20th century when it housed students from other parts of Morocco. Rooms were built around a central garden in which orange, lemon, and fig trees were planted in a quadripartite garden with a fountain at the center.


Benaboud, M'hammad. “Tetouan: The Patio of Civilisation.” Andalusian Morocco: a Discovery in Living Art, by Naima Khatib Boujibar, Art Books International, 2002, pp. 163–181.

De Torres López, Ramón, and M'hammad Benaboud. “Catálogo Sucinto De Arquitectura y Urbanismo De La Medina De Tetuán.” La Medina De Tetúan guía De Arquitectura, by Valente José Ángel and Moreno Nicolás Ramírez, Consejo Municipal De Tetuán, 2011, pp. 138–139.

Miège Jean-Louis, et al. Tétouan : Ville Andalouse Marocaine. CNRS Editions, 2001. 


جامع القصبة، Tétouan, Morocco, Morocco

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late 17th-early 18th c./ 11-12th c. AH

Style Periods

Additional Names

Medersa Luqash
Lukash Mosque and Madrasa

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