Bhadra Fort
Ahmedabad, India

Bhadra Fort is a citadel in the old city of Ahmedabad. Ahmad Shah, Sultan of Gujarat, commissioned the building during his reign (1411-1442/813-846 AH) as part of a larger urban foundation including a mosque, public square, monumental gate, and processional way.

The fortress is roughly square in form and its western side along the river follows the course of the city walls. It has a number of gates, the most monumental of which opens from its east side onto what was once the public square (called Maydan-i Shah). On the wall between the two towers behind this gate, a clock was installed in the mid 19th century.


Gazetteer of the Bombay Presidency. Volume IV: Ahmedabad, 275-276. Bombay: Government Central Press, 1879.


Ahmedabad, India

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ભદ્રનો કિલ્લો
Bhadra Castle

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