Asyabha-i Shushtar
Shushtar, Iran

A complex of water mills lies along the ancient canal known as Ab-i Gargar, which diverts waters from the Karun River through a gorge on the eastern side of Shushtar. The age of the mills is uncertain and the complex has undoubtedly been remade over time.  The weir known as Band-i Gargar which spans the gorge is possibly a nineteenth-century construction, for example.1 However, some of the oldest components may date back to the Sasanian period. 

The mills take advantage of the falling elevation of the canal. In its current form, a large barrage (Band-i Gargar) blocks the flow of the canal's waters, which is diverted through a series of narrow channels and three tunnels. One tunnel leads to a pool near the right (west) bank of the canal which feeds the water through a number of mills whose wheels were powered by the rapidly flowing water. After passing through the mills, the water spills back into the Gargar through beautiful waterfalls. On the left (east) bank of the canal, several diversion tunnels under other mills built into the steep sides of the gorge.


  1. Graadt van Roggen, 181-182.


Graadt van Roggen, D. L. “Notice sur les anciens travaux hydrauliques en Susiane.” In Mémoires de la Mission archéologique de Perse. Mémories de la Délégation en Perse, Tome 7: Recherches archéologiques. Duxieme série: 167–207. Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1905.


Shushtar, Iran

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اسیاب های شوشتر
Asyab'ha-i Shushtar
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