Jami' al-Kamaliyya
Aleppo, Syria

Located in the Aqaba neighborhood within the Jalloum district, the Jami' al-Kamaliyya was constructed by an unknown patron, probably during the eighteenth century as historical sources mention a waqf dating to 1773. The majority of the building dates to the Ottoman period.

The entrance portal has a muqarnas hood and is surmounted by a minaret.


Gaube, Heins, and Eugin Wirth. Aleppo: Historische und geographische Beiträge zur baulichen Gestaltung, zur sozialen Organisation und zur wirtschaftlichen Dynamik einer vorderasiatischen Fernhandelsmetropole, 346, no. 19. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert, 1984.

Sauvaget, Jean. “Inventaire des monuments Musulmans de la ville d’Alep.” Revue des etudes Islamiques 5 (1931): 59–114, no. 29.


Aleppo, Syria

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18th c /12th c AH

Style Periods


Additional Names

جامع الكمالية
Jami' al-Kamaliyyah
Alternate transliteration