Süleymaniye Mosque and Cultural Center
London, United Kingdom

Funded by the UK Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre and Trust (UKTICC), the Süleymaniye Mosque and Cultural Center combines Ottoman influences with the architecture of its East London neighborhood. The design befits the UKTICC goal "to help Muslims integrate with the culture of the country whee they live, without losing their own identity."1 While established by the Turkish community in the area, the mosque is open to all Muslims. In addition to the prayer hall, the facility houses conference rooms, dining facilities, a book shop, and a youth hostel. Iznik tile work is featured prominently in the decor of the mosque. 


1. Fatima Gailani, "East London" in The Mosques of London. (Henstridge: Elm Grove Books, 2000), 54-56.


London’s Mosques. Accessed May 30, 2017. http://www.webcitation.org/6qqi55u8Z.

Gailani, Fatima. "East London." in The Mosques of London, 50-81. Henstridge, England, UK: Elm Grove Books, 2000.

"Süleymaniye Mosque." Http://www.suleymaniye.org/home/. Accessed May 30, 2017. http://www.webcitation.org/6qqiF6tpk.


212-216 Kingsland Rd, London, United Kingdom

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Associated Names

Associated Collections


1994-1998/1414-1420 AH


8,000 m2

Additional Names

Süleymaniye Camii ve Kültür merkezinin
UK Turkish Islamic Cultural Centre & Trust

Site Types

