Mouloud Feraoun College
Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria

The school, with a student body of 650 pupils from local housing estates as well as from across the city, includes 16 classrooms, two laboratories, a library and a multifunctional space, spread over three levels. A subtle hierarchy of access, from public to semi-public to private, defines both its horizontal and vertical organisation. Because of their specific functions, laboratories, workshops and the multifunction room are on the ground floor, the library and administrative offices are on the first floor, overlooking a patio and a spiral staircase with a skylight above, while classrooms occupy the upper floors. Lodgings are arranged at the end of the north wing and overlook a garden.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria

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Associated Names


Completed 2008


2,749 m²

Additional Names

C.E.M Mouloud Feraoun
Collège d'Enseignment Moyen Mouloud Feraoun

Site Types
