Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu Sanayi ve Teknoloji Müzesi
Ankara, Türkiye

The Turkish Machine and Chemical Cooperation Industry and Technology Museum is a product of collaboration between architects Ayşen Savaş, Namık Erkal, Barış Yağlı, and Seray Türkay, who began designing the project in 2007. It was commissioned by the Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu (MKEK; Mechanical and Chemical Industry Foundation) to provide educational services about military technology through the use of historical objects and exhibitions. 

The new museum space was created by transforming an existing facility, originally functioning as a cavalry barracks in the 19th century, before being converted into an ammunition factory after the founding of the Republic. The site underwent construction from 2012 until 2013, during which an inventory for the permanent collection was produced, accompanied by a publication on military technology.  The project was formally finished that same year, when both the interior educational exhibits and open-air installations on the external grounds, both curated by Ayşen Savaş, were in place. The complete site, beyond exhibition spaces, also offers visitors sitting areas, a library, cafe, and gift shop.


Savaş, Ayşen "Makine ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu Sanayi Müzesi." In Ayşen Savaş: CV and Project Briefsunnumbered. Cambridge: Archnet, 2016.


Ankara, Türkiye

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Associated Names

Associated Collections


late 19th c./13th c., converted into a factory late 19th c./13th c., converted into a museum 2013/1434 AH


Total grounds; 10,000 square meters, Building dimensions; 3,000 square meters

Additional Names

Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation Industry and Technology Museum
Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Müzesi

Site Types

