Délégation du Ministère de la culture
Tangier, Morocco

The Mohamed Drissi Gallery of Contemporary Art is locating in a building that was constructed at the last years of the 19th century to serve as the Consulate of the United Kingdom. A small pagoda in the garden in front of the building is built over a fountain dedicated to Sir Reginals Lister, former British Delegate to Morocco who died in Tangier in 1912.

In 1990 the facility was converted into the Musée d'Art Contemporain de Tanger, the first of its kind in Morocco. Renovations were carried out in 2006 and on the 12th of April 2007 the facility reopened as the "Galerie d'Art Contemporain Mohamed Drissi." 

Directly behind this structure in another villa that currently serves as the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Culture.

-Michael A. Toler, Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT


"Galerie D'art Contemporain Mohamed Drissi." Galerie D'art Contemporain Mohamed Drissi. Accessed May 03, 2015. http://www.minculture.gov.ma/fr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=184%3Agalerie-dart-contemporain-mohamed-drissi-&catid=43&Itemid=129.

"Sir Reginald Lister." The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931). 12 Nov 1912. Accessed May 03, 2015. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/5350717.

"TANGER: Musée D'Art Contemporain De Tanger." TANGER: Musée D'Art Contemporain De Tanger. Accessed May 03, 2015. http://tangier.free.fr/Documents/Art-Contemporain.htm.

Ver Edificio. Inglaterra 52, Galeria de arte contemporáneo Mohamed Drissi." Tanger. El Mundo En Una Ciudad. Accessed May 03, 2015. http://tingisaecid.com/v2/view_ent/view_building.php?id=83.


52, boulevard d'Angleterre, Tangier, Morocco

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Associated Names


1898-1890/1315-1317 AH
1990/1410 AH opens as museum


276 m2

Additional Names

Galerie d'Art Contemporain Mohamed Drissi
Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Culture

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