Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari-Boumediene
Bab Ezzouar, Algeria

Widely regarded as one of the 20th centuries greatest architects, the Brazilian Oscar Niemeyer designed 12 buildings for Algeria, most of them during the period of his exile after the military takeover in Brazil in 1964.  Only 4 were completed,1 the others being stopped by the death of Houari Boumedienne, though the Arab-South America Library he designed in the years before his death is still planned for construction.2  Attention is generally focused on Niemeyer's projects in Brazil and Europe at the expense of projects in places like Lebanon and Algeria.  Nonetheless, they are an important part of his architectural legacy. 

For Boumediene Niemeyer's buildings were a sign of Algeria's modernity and commitment the rupture with the past.  Construction began on the facility in 1968, and the university opened its doors in 1974 as the Faculté des Sciences of the the university in Algiers.  The name became the L'Université des sciences et de la technologie Houari Boumediene in 1980 and the school eventually became and independent entity.3  It is one of two university campuses designed by Niemeyer. The other, in Constantine, is the University of Mentouri.

1. Bosman, Julie. "Back to the Future in Algeria."
2. "Lancement de six mois de travail..."
3. Benzeghou, Benali. "Contribution Oscar Niemeyer..."

Benzaghou, Benali. "Contribution Oscar Niemeyer, Architecte De L’USTHB." Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene. Accessed April 8, 2015. http://www.usthb.dz/spip.php?article773.

Bosman, Julie. "Back to the Future in Algeria." The New York Times. January 3, 2014. Accessed April 08, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/magazine/2014-01-05-mag-05Look-Niemeyer.html.

Daniel, Isaura. "Niemeyer Designs Aspa Library." Agência De Notícias Brasil-Árabe. May 22, 2009. Accessed April 08, 2015. http://www2.anba.com.br/noticia_diplomacia.kmf?cod=8474353.

"Lancement Dans Six Mois Des Travaux : Réalisation De La Bibliothèque Arabo-sud-américaine." El Moujahid. March 13, 2012. Accessed April 08, 2015. http://www.elmoudjahid.com/fr/flash-actu/6929.

Ramchurn, Rakesh. "Concrete Spring: Oscar Niemeyer’s Work in Algeria." Architects Journal. February 14, 2014. Accessed April 8, 2015. http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/culture/concrete-spring-oscar-niemeyers-work-in-algeria/8659118.article.


BP 32 EL ALIA, Bab Ezzouar, Algeria

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1968-1974/1387-1393 AH

Additional Names

جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا هواري بومدي

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