Al-Marassi Hotel
Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

The commission for the El Marassi project was awarded on the basis of a competition. It is a complex comprising an apartment/hotel with 60 dwelling units built on a site near the marina of the historical hill of Sidi Bou Said. The plan and volumetry of the buildings are basically inspired by the pattern of traditional settlements of the region. The street pattern of the holiday village is that of a medina, with dead-end streets, small squares and covered passage ways. The two storey, cross-ventilated houses result in a fabric of medium density. Each house has a semi-open courtyard and offers views both over the sea and towards Sidi Bou Said. Thick walls, vaults, small windows and doors with mashrabiyah characterize the complex. The project is constructed with brick load bearing walls, brick vaults, marble, ceramic and terracotta tile finishing, and white-washed exterior walls.

Source: Aga Khan Trust for Culture


Sidi Bou Said, Tunisia

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4,200 m²

Additional Names

Hotel El Marassi
al Marassi Hotel

Site Types

