Genesis and Stages in Development of the City Culture of Tashkent Oasis

Буряков, Ю.Ф. Генезис И Этапы Развития Городской Культуры Ташкентского Оазиса. Ташкент: Издательство Фан Академии наук Узбекистана, 1982, 212с.

Buryakov, Yu. F. Genezis i Ètapy Razvitja Gorodskoj Kul’tury Taškentskogo Oazisa. Tashkent: Izdatel’stvo Fan Akademii Nauk Uzbekistana, 1982, 212pp.


Genesis and Stages in Development of the City Culture of Tashkent Oasis

Генезис И Этапы Развития Городской Культуры Ташкентского Оазиса

The subject of this research is the genesis and development of the Tashkent Oasis, one of the most urbanised areas in Central Asia which included two medieval towns: Chach and Ilak. The work spans a vast chronological period presenting analyses of all the categories of archaeological objects, sources of raw materials, means of communication and connections both internal and inter-regional. 

The book begins with an introduction on the development of the cities in Central Asia and an explanation of the importance of archaeological research. The climatology of the Syr-Darya River, where the Tashkent Oasis is located, and the factors which shaped the urban culture are described.

Thus, the first part of the book presents the archaeological classifications of settlements in accordance with their sizes, fortification types, correlation between the citadel and the fortified parts, and economic structure.

The monuments and settlements of the Tashkent Oasis are divided into a few micro-areas: the area of the Chirchik and Keles rivers’ basin, the valley between the Chirchik and Ahangaran rivers, the Ahangaran river basin and the area adjoining the right bank of the Syr-Darya river. 

There is a separate scrutiny of mines, specialised metallurgical centres and mortuary buildings. The topography and localisation of the medieval cities of the Oasis is also described. Specific sites such as “Burgulyuk” (ninth – third centuries BC), Kaunchin (second – fourth centuries BC), “Minguryuk” (sixth – eighth centuries BC) and “Ilak” (second half of eigth – tenth centuries BC) are identified.

The second part of the book presents a historical study and discusses the various stages of urbanisation of the Tashkent Oasis from the end of the ‘Burgulyuk’ to the beginning of ‘Kaunchin’ archaeological complexes in the third century BC when the Tashkent Oasis was a part of the “Kanguy” state and subsequently the state of “Hephtalites”. It covers the cities of Chach and Ilak under the Turkish Khaganates in the early mediaeval period and later under the rule of Muslim Arabs. 

This is a pioneering study of a large region in Central Asia comprising detailed research alongside maps, tables, plans of urban settlements and samples of material culture of the Tashkent Oasis. 

Shamsiddin Kamoliddin
Translated by Ivan Leonidov


Kamoliddin, Shamsiddin. '"English abstract of 'Genesis and Stages in Development of the City Culture of Tashkent Oasis'". Translated by Ivan Leonidov. In Cities as Built and Lived Environments: Scholarship from Muslim Contexts, 1875 to 2011, by Aptin Khanbaghi. 44. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014.




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