IJAR Volume 9, Issue 3 (complete publication).

Guest Edited by Jack Steven Goulding and Farzad Pour Rahimian, this Special Issue presents nine papers from leading scholars, industry and contemporaries. These papers provide an eclectic (but cognate) representation   of AEC design visualisation and integration; which not only uncovers new insight and understanding of these challenges and solutions, but also provides new theoretical and practice signposts for future research.

Archnet-IJAR is an interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal of architecture, planning, and built environment studies. The journal aims at establishing a bridge between theory and practice in the fields of architectural and design research, and urban planning and built environment studies. The journal has two international boards; advisory and editorial. The range of knowledge and expertise of the boards members ensures high quality scholarly papers and allows for a comprehensive academic review of contributions that span wide spectrum of issues, methods, theoretical approaches and architectural and development practices.

Archnet-IJAR is indexed and listed in several scientific and research databases, including Avery index to Architectural Periodicals, EBSCO-Current Abstracts-Art and Architecture, INTUTE, Directory of Open Access Journals, Pro-Quest, Scopus-Elsevier and many university library databases. It is also archived by Archnet, the most comprehensive online community for architects, planners, urban designers, interior designers, landscape architects, and scholars working in these fields, developed at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning in close cooperation with, and with the full support of The Aga Khan Trust for Culture, an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network.


Goulding, Jack Steven and Farzad Pour Rahimian (eds.). Archnet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 9, issue 3 (2015). ISSN 1938-7806. OCLC 145980807; LOC 2007212183.

Child Publications




2015 Archnet-IJAR, Archnet, MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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