'Ayn al-Fijah

A small town about 25 km/15 miles from Damascus that grew up around the Ayn el-Fijah Springs. Along with the Barada Springs, it is the source of the Barada River that runs through Damascus. A Roman temple at the source was built in the 1st century. The park around the source is a leisure spot for the residents of Damascus and its environs, and was historically accessible by train. 

Nouna al-Dimashqiya. "Barada Memoirs." Syria Today. January 2010. [Accessed December 18, 2012] Karl Baedeker (Firm).

Palestine and Syria [microform] : with routes through Mesopotamia and Babylonia and the island of Cyprus: handbook for travellers / by Karl Baedeker; with 21 maps, 56 plans, and a panorama of Jerusalem. Leipzig: K. Baedeker ; New York: Scribner, 1912.

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عين الفيجة
Ain el-Fijeh