Ismaïl Serageldin

Dr. Ismaïl Serageldin is an Egyptian architect and planner. He was the vice president of the World Bank in Washington DC, responsible for the department for Environmentally Sustainable Development and for a wide array of special programs dealing with poverty, environment, and socio-economic development. Dr. Serageldin is the founding director of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt, inaugurated in 2002, is currently, Emeritus Librarian, and member of the Board of Trustees of the Library of Alexandria

He is the author of numerous publications in English, French and Arabic on the subjects of poverty, development, architecture and Muslim societies, including Space for Freedom and Innovation and Authenticity in the Architecture of Muslim Societies. He was a member of the 1983 Aga Khan for Architecture Master Jury, and of the Award Steering Committee for the 1986, 1989, and 1992 cycles. 

Source: Architecture Beyond Architecture: Creativity and Social Transformations in Islamic Cultures. 1995 Aga Khan Award for Architecture. London, Lanham MD: Academy Editions, 1995.


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إسماعيل سراج الدين