Dar a-Makhzen is on the east side of the Cashah. Some historians have maintained that throughout recorded history a fortress has existed on or near the site, certainly since Portuguese rule (1471-1661). An inscription in the interior attributes the current structure to Pasha Ahmed Ben Ali al-Rifi in 1151 AH (1737). The palace complex that includes a treasury, a prison, a mosque, and multiple residential structures. Restorations were carried out in 1889 when Hassan I visited Tangier after making it the diplomatic capital, and the residence of European diplomats. In 1922 the main palace became a museum. a function that continues today. In recent years the complex what again renovated, reopening to the public in 2016.
The main residence consists of 7 rooms and a protico arranged around a central courtyard with zelij flooring and a marble fountain in the center. The columns were produced in Italy. The two main rooms off the courtyard have domed ceilings carved with muqarnas. The walls are decorated with mosaics and carved stucco. The Bit al-Mal, often referred to at the treasury, is a ceremonial hall with large horseshoe doors that open onto the square.
An adjoining building, Dar Chorfa, currently houses the archeological museum.
Lakhdar, Kamal . "Palace of the Kasbah." Discover Islamic Art - Virtual Museum - monument_ISL_ma_Mon01_18_en. Accessed February 09, 2018. http://www.discoverislamicart.org/database_item.php?id=monument%3BISL%3Bma%3BMon01%3B18%3Ben.
Lefebure, Anais. "Le musée la Kasbah de Tanger ré-ouvre ses portes au public (PHOTOS)." The Huffington Post. July 26, 2016. Accessed February 09, 2018. http://www.huffpostmaghreb.com/2016/07/26/musee-kasbah-tanger-ouvres-portes-public-photos_n_11196790.html.
"Musée d' Al Kasbah à Tanger." Ministry of Culture, Kingdom of Morocco. Accessed February 09, 2018. http://www.minculture.gov.ma/fr/index.php/patrimoine-97689/44-culture-et-recherches/patrimoine/89-musee-dal-kasbah-a-tanger.
"Plaza Del Mechuar 1, Dar El-Majzén (Casa Del Gobierno)." Tánger. El Mundo En Una Ciudad. Accessed March 10, 2015. http://tingisaecid.com/v2/view_ent/view_building.php?id=31 .
Michaux-Bellaire, E. Villes et Tribus du Maroc: Tanger et sa zone. Vol. 7. Paris: E. Leroux, 1921.