El Rawaf Building
Baghdad, Iraq

The Rawaf Building was a commercial and residential structure commissioned by the Ministry of Awqaf, and built between 1961 and 1964. The fourteen storey building, situated on the Tigris River, is comprised of residential apartments, stacked atop a casino, bar, and commercial shops. The building also contains private gardens and a swimming pool.

Hisham Munir & Assoc. "El-Rawaf Building." In Hisham Munir & Assoc. Baghdad-Iraq. Project portfolio, Hisham Munir & Assoc., Printed by Remzi Est, Baghdad, [undated, ca. 1960s.]


Baghdad, Iraq

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Associated Names


1961-1964/1380-1383 AH, constructed

Additional Names

al Rawaf Building
Alternate transliteration

Site Types
