Khaznat al-Fir‛awn
Petra, Jordan

The Khaznat al-Fir‛awn (Treasury of the Pharaoh) is one of the first monuments visible when approaching Petra through al-Siq. It is an outstanding example of the impressive "Roman temple" type rock-cut facades at Petra.

The Khaznat is carved into the facade of the cliff above al-Siq, and is probably a royal tomb, perhaps that of Aretas IV (r. 9 BCE-40 CE), as indicated by both its location and impressive size. The facade is 24.9 m wide and 38.77 m high to the top of the urn that sits atop the shrine in the center of the upper order. The entrance is flanked by six portico columns of the local "Nabataeanized Corinthian type" (a simplified, blocked-out version of the Corinthian capital), decorated, like the pediment, with floral motifs. The portico is approached by a wide flight of steps and opens into the main tomb chamber, which is undecorated except for the traditional diagonal dressing found throughout Nabataea. The main chamber contains three burial locations, and has two ornate doorways leading to smaller side chambers.


Hammond, Philip C"Petra." Grove Art Online. Oxford Art OnlineOxford University Press, accessed January 12, 2015


Petra, Jordan

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Associated Names

Part of Site


1st century CE

Style Periods


facade: 24.90 m wide, plus an additional 4.70 m in side cutting; height of 38.77 m to the top of the urn

Additional Names

Treasury of the Pharaoh
Al Khazneh

Site Types


