Wenceslaus Hollar

1607 July 13 – 1677 March 25
Czech Republic

Wenceslaus Hollar was a prolific artist of the 17th century, creating numerous etchings and engravings. Born in Prague, 13 July 1607; he lived in various German cities from 1627-1637, when he moved to London, working in the service of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel until 1644, and the Duke of York from1644 to 1652. It is during this period he creates the etching of Tangier (Tangiers) Morocco. He then returned to London and works in the service of the Royal Court until his death in 1677.  

VIAF: http://viaf.org/viaf/54449428

Getty ULAN: http://vocab.getty.edu/page/ulan/500028368

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Additional Names

Wenzel Hollar
Václav Hollar