Peasant House Museum
Ible el Saqi, Lebanon

"In 2005 we were commissioned by the N.G.O Mercy Corps to rebuild the peasant house that had been turned into a museum by the president of the municipality of Eble el Saqi, back in the 1970s. Unfortunately the original house was destroyed by the Israelis during their occupation of South Lebanon. Luckily Dr. F. Ragette had documented this house. From his drawings and photos we were able to make our detailed drawings for the reconstruction. We approached the local villagers and learnt about the various building techniques and material specification, specially for the mud plastering. This was usually done by the women. The contractor was then asked to use all local labor who got trained by Umm Mashhour, the lady who still uses this old technical to maintain her house."

Source: Hana Alamuddin


Ible el Saqi, Lebanon

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120 m²

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