Achalpur Jami Masjid
Achalpur, India
The Jami Masjid of Achalpur was built during the reign of the Imad Shahis (ca. 1485-1572/889-979 AH) and extensively repaired during the reign of the Mughal emperor Awrangzib (1658-1707/1068-1118 AH). The prayer hall is divided into four by eleven bays, and originally had a large central dome in front of the mihrab and a row of eleven small domes above the aisle nearest the facade, but all have collapsed. The qibla wall has five mihrabs, and the only ornament comes in the form of rosettes in the arch spandrels under the central dome.


Merklinger, Elizabeth Schotten. Sultanate architecture of pre-Mughal India, 154. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 2005.
Achalpur, India
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built during the Imah Shahi dynasty, ca. 1485-1572/889-979 AH
Style Periods
Variant Names
Jami Mosque of Elichpur
Jami Majid of Ellichpur
Building Usages