The Soap Factory, upon which the museum was added, was built
in the mid-18th century by the Hammoud Family who sponsored many
large constructions throughout Saida in the Mid-Ottoman Period. It was
purchased by the notable Audi family in the late 19th century, who
expanded the factory and constructed a large residence above it. The structure
had operated as a soap factory for over 300 years until its closure in 1975 due
to the outbreak of the Lebanese Civil War. In April 2000, the Audi Foundation
completed the renovation of the complex and transformed it into one of the city’s
largest and most important museums showcasing the diverse soap production and
curation tools and techniques from across the Levant.
The museum also includes an exhibit on how traditional olive
oil soap is made, and the history of traditional baths or Hammams in the
region. During the renovations, parts of the factory structure were found to
date from the 13th century AD, and suggest that the site had housed
a large structure. It is also in close proximity to the Saidun Cannanite tell
where archaeological evidence of fortifications, a necropolis and residential
quarters from the 15th century BC were found.