IFAO Field House
Luxor, Egypt

"This six-unit staff quarters for the Institut Francais de l'Archeologie Orientale in Cairo, was probabaly intended for operations in Luxor, although this has yet to be confirmed. Each unit consists of a domed central qa'a, with two flanking iwans for sleeping, and an ensuite bath, all of which are cooled by a wind catch. The arrangement of iwans indicates that each unit would be shared by two people, and the projection of one of the six units forward, giving it more prominence, suggests that it may have been intended for the director." (construction not verified)


Steele, James. 1997. An Architecture for People: The Complete Works of Hassan Fathy. London, United Kingdom: Thames and Hudson.


Luxor, Egypt

Associated Names

Associated Collections



Additional Names

Institut Francais de l'Archeologie Orientale Field House

Site Types