Located on the Mediterranean Coast approximately 40 km east of Tangier. Tanger-Med1, the first freight terminals of this massive shipping and commercial complex opened in 2007. Passenger routes began operating in 2010. Expansion is underway.
Upon completion, the complex will consist of:
- The Tangier Med 1, port includes two container terminals, a railway terminal, hydrocarbons terminal, goods terminal, and vehicle terminal;
- The port Tangier Med 2, includes two container terminals;
- The Tangier Med Passengers Port, includes the access zones and border inspections, the 8 berths of boarding passengers and trucks, regulationszones, and the ferry terminal
- Logistics Free Zone MEDHUB; includes actual 50 hectares of land surface vas well as last generation warehouses and offices for rent.
- The Tangier Med Port Center – TMPC –. This is a 30.000 m² of offices, banks, food court, multi service spaces. All connected to the train, bus and maritime station.