Drawings of Jerusalem -- Byzantine, Umayyad, and Fatimid Periods

CAD drawing(s)

This is file is a Windows self-extracting folder consisting of 29 files. 24 of these are AutoCad drawing (dwg) files, one is an AutoCad xref log (xlg) file, and three are AutoCad script (scr) files. The files present reconstructions of the major urban and architectural components of the city of Jerusalem during the Byzantine, Umayyad, and Fatimid periods.

In order to view the reconstruction of the city in any of these three periods, open the master file, jer1.dwg, then freeze all layers (except for layer 0, which is the current layer), type in the "script" command, and choose "Byzantine," "Umayyad," or "Fatimid," depending on the period you wish to view. From there use the Zoom - Extents command to obtain a bird's-eye view of the whole city.

One can also view any of the drawing files separately. In this context, please note that, for these files, the layers containing the word "plan" consist of plan drawings, and the layers containing the letters "sur" consist of three dimensional drawings. A description of the layers is as follows:

Aqsa3.dwg: al-Aqsa Mosque during the Umayyad period
Aqsafat.dwg: al-Aqsa Mosque during the Fatimid period
Barclay.dwg: Barclay's Gate
Church.dwg: Smaller Byzantine churches of the city
Contour.dwg: Topography of the city
Dome3.dwg: Dome of the Rock
Double.dwg: Double Gate
Fabric.dwg: Urban fabric located between al-Haram and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Gatefat.dwg: Fatimid gate leading to al-Haram
Golden.dwg: Golden Gate
Miraj.dwg: Dome of the Miraj
Mizan.dwg: Dome of the Mizan
Nabiyy.dwg: Dome of the Prophet
Nea.dwg: Nea Church (New Church of the Virgin Mary)
Riwaq.dwg: Fatimid arcades in al-Haram
Sepul.dwg: Church of the Holy Sepulchre during the Byzantine and Umayyad periods
Sepulfat.dwg: Church of the Holy Sepulchre during the Fatimid period
Silsila.dwg: Dome of the Chain
Stables.dwg: Stables of Solomon
Street.dwg: City streets
Ummpal.dwg: Umayyad Palaces
Wall1.dwg: City walls and gates
Wall2.dwg: City walls and gates from the Umayyad and Byzantine periods
Wallfat.dwg: City walls and gates from the Fatimid period
For additional information about these drawings and about the reconstruction of the city of Jerusalem during the Byzantine, Umayyad, and Fatimid periods, see Oleg Grabar, The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1996.


Drawings of Jerusalem -- Byzantine, Umayyad, and Fatimid Periods. Courtesy of Architect (submitted to the Aga Khan Award for Architecture), 1995.



Mohammad al-Asad

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