MoEST: A Brief Report of National Consultation on Institutional Framework and Funding Mechanism for Managing Climate Change and The Environment

MoE/ADB TA 7173

From the Introduction:

"In 2008, ADB approved a technical assistance grant (TA) to strengthen Nepal’s capacity for managing the climate change and the environment. The TA focuses specifically on strengthening the Ministry of Environment (MOE) and creating a well-trained core of environmental professionals across the sectoral ministries to manage environment and impacts of climate change. The TA has three major components: (i) create an agreed-upon institutional structure for the MOE; (ii) create an agreed-upon funding and resource mobilization plan for the proposed institutional structure of the MOE; and (iii) raise awareness among all stakeholders on the environment and climate change...TA 7173 is reviewing institutional/funding mechanism and developing sustainable and improved MoE institutional framework as part of the main outcome results of the TA 7173.In line with MoE/ADB TA, the MoE organized one day participatory programme on “National Consultation on Institutional Framework and Funding Mechanism for Managing Environment and the Climate Change” on 21 June 2010 at Everest Hotel to consult and interact with key broader stakeholders representing government, civil society organizations, private sector, donors, academic institutions and federations/associations."


Pradhan, Charles. A Brief Report of National Consultation on Institutional Framework and Funding Mechanism for Managing Climate Change and The Environment. Kathmandu: Government of Nepal, Ministry of Environment, 2010.



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