In this article the strong effect of forming a corporate identity in city branding is studied. It is emphasized that by strong identity and image acquisition cities distinguish by their unique branding elements rather than global city imposition that is carried out by globalization pressure. According to the opinions that perceive globalization as an absolute fact, cities like Istanbul have to articulate to this new system. In this way of thinking, it is inevitable to suffer in McLuhan’s “global village”. However creating strategies for powerful image and branding of a city can be a leading factor against global city imposition. Keeping up with the same method of creating a “corporate” identity, the image of the cities has to be managed by the symmetric communication with all the actors. By this way globalization can be used as an opportunity instead of threat.
Managing the Image of Cities in The "Global Village:" City Branding As an Opportunity Against Globalization
journal article
In this article the strong effect of forming a corporate identity in city branding is studied. It is emphasized that by strong identity and image acquisition cities distinguish by their unique branding elements rather than global city imposition that is carried out by globalization pressure. According to the opinions that perceive globalization as an absolute fact, cities like Istanbul have to articulate to this new system. In this way of thinking, it is inevitable to suffer in McLuhan’s “global village”. However creating strategies for powerful image and branding of a city can be a leading factor against global city imposition. Keeping up with the same method of creating a “corporate” identity, the image of the cities has to be managed by the symmetric communication with all the actors. By this way globalization can be used as an opportunity instead of threat.
Aysu, Gözdem Çelikkanat. "Managing the Image of Cities in The 'Global Village:' City Branding As An Opportunity Against Globalization." ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 7, issue 2 (2013): 258-268.
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Gözdem Çelikkanat Aysu