Hassan Fathy - This document is in regard to housing reconstruction for villagers who lost their homes by fire in the village of Mitt Nassiri. The reconstruction and emergency aid to the victims of the fire was under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs and being supervised under the architect, Louis Attallah. In this memorandum, written to them, Fathy comments on the material being used for the reconstruction of the walls and roofs of the new structures. The document includes estimated costs for variant materials and construction labor for roofs and walls according to Fathy's design suggestions.
Memorandum Regarding The Victims Of The Fire At The Village Of Mitt Nassiri
This document is in regard to housing reconstruction for villagers who lost their homes by fire in the village of Mitt Nassiri. The reconstruction and emergency aid to the victims of the fire was under the auspices of the Ministry of Social Affairs and being supervised under the architect, Louis Attallah. In this memorandum, written to them, Fathy comments on the material being used for the reconstruction of the walls and roofs of the new structures. The document includes estimated costs for variant materials and construction labor for roofs and walls according to Fathy's design suggestions.
Fathy, Hassan. Memorandum Regarding The Victims Of The Fire At The Village Of Mitt Nassiri. Hassan Fathy Archives. Aga Khan Trust for Culture. Geneva, Switzerland.
Aga Khan Trust for Culture