Design Quality in the Real Estate Market: Clients' Preferences Versus Developers' Interests

journal article
Within an efficient real estate market, a gap between the level of design quality supplied by developers of residential projects, and the level of design quality demanded and perceived by clients leads to market failure. Accordingly, the question of high-quality residential architecture inquired the relation between supplies and demands in residential real estate market. This paper deals with the question of how developers could meet demands of house buyers within the real estate context in Cairo. The study aimed at exploring clients’ preferences towards the residential architecture provided in the market. It followed a theoretical approach together with a field investigation to develop an integrative database that contributes to increasing the value of design quality in residential projects. An exploratory in-depth field study examined how house buyers perceive key design aspects jointly with architectural characteristics dominating the market. Analyses showed that both qualitative and quantitative responses revealed agreements and contradictions concerning demands and supplies of the design quality in a residential market. Consequently, the study outlined a data base matrix in which clients’ preferences could be incorporated in the design process of residential projects. It is therefore expected that the value of design quality when ensured could contribute to appropriate future strategies for a financially successful market.


El-Nachar, Eman. "Design Quality in the Real Estate Market: Clients' Preferences Versus Developers' Interests," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 5, issue 2 (2011).

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Eman El-Nachar

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