Architectural Correlation Analysis of the Hammams of Cherchell (Algeria): Linear vs. Aggregate Space in the Traditional Bath

journal article
The architecture of traditional historic cities in Algeria has specific spatial and constructive characteristics despite the influence of the Andalusian-Ottoman style. In the case of Cherchell (a historic city 100kms west of Algiers), the architectural elements interpret these architectural references. These elements exist in a complex archaeological, historic and cultural fabric based on architectural and urban analogies, reminders and references. The paper focuses on the typological study of the historic hammams of Cherchell. It is aimed to analyse the diverse correlations between specific urban amenities and the residential fabric framed within the spatial organization, proportional modulation and structural modes. In this paper, the spatial organisation of the public baths of Cherchell is identified. It is a nodal spiral organization developed around the hot room. It follows the Ottoman spatial prototype of Algiers hammams. However, the specific characteristic of Cherchell baths is in their constructive system for the roofing covering the central space of the hot room. The roofing consists of an octagonal dome, where the transition to the large square of the hot room is covered by trusses supporting tiled roofing, inspired by the domestic Cherchell architecture of that era.


Chennaoui, Youcef. "Architectural Correlation Analysis of the Hammams of Cherchell (Algeria): Linear vs. Aggregate Space in the Traditional Bath," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 3, issue 1 (2009).

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Youcef Chennaoui

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