Hyper Identity: The Case of Kuwaiti Architecture

journal article
This paper focuses on the mutual relationship between cultural identity and the built environment. The questions paused by this paper are: what aspects of cultural identity change and how do they impact architecture and the built environment? And, in return, what aspects of architecture and the built environment change and how do they impact cultural identity? The paper aims at understanding the current struggle to be modern and to return to the roots at the same time in different parts of the world. It focuses on Kuwait as a case study of this struggle. It starts by analyzing the cultural transformation that occurred in Kuwait during the 20th century under influences of economic and global changes, and
then examines recent attempts at the beginning of the 21st century to reflect a cultural identity in architecture. The paper utilizes the method of analysis suggested by Zavalloni to understand the identity
creation, formation, and transformation. This method provides a theoretical understanding of identity as a system. Several research studies were conducted by the author to understand the extent and the meaning of the phenomenon of expressing cultural identity in contemporary Kuwaiti architecture by utilizing elements from traditional Kuwaiti architecture. The paper concludes that cultural identity is a meaning making process, multiple identities exist at the same time and transforms from one state to another adjusting to external pressures and circumstances.

The paper recommends that when searching for cultural identity, one should expect to find several
overlapping identities. In sum, a more open-ended approach is required when studying cultural identities that stresses the hybrid and hyper nature of culture identity; a hyper-identity.


Mahgoub, Yasser. "Hyper Identity: The Case of Kuwaiti Architecture," in ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, vol. 1 (2007).

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