Altit Fort Restoration - <p>The Karakoram Mountains contains a most remarkable number and variety of historic buildings of monumental and domestic scale. The survival up to the present shows how well they have served their inhabitants, it is proof of excellent material qualities, of suburb construction detailing of regular maintenance and minimal external pressures of changes. From the monumental fort and palace building to smaller domestic buildings are found every where in Gilgit-Baltistan. Most of the material used in these buildings is indigenously available like rubble and dress stone, adobe, rammed earth and timber. These materials were used in the simplest ways of ordinary buildings. Important buildings involved itinerant craftsman proudly showing off high quality structural engineering and carving skills. The use of cator and cribbage construction reached its zenith in this area.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>This report sheds on traditional construction techniques of Gilgit-Baltistan as well as their use for the new buildings.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Source: Introduction</p>
Traditional Construction Techniques of Gilgit-Baltistan and its Adoption for New Construction

The Karakoram Mountains contains a most remarkable number and variety of historic buildings of monumental and domestic scale. The survival up to the present shows how well they have served their inhabitants, it is proof of excellent material qualities, of suburb construction detailing of regular maintenance and minimal external pressures of changes. From the monumental fort and palace building to smaller domestic buildings are found every where in Gilgit-Baltistan. Most of the material used in these buildings is indigenously available like rubble and dress stone, adobe, rammed earth and timber. These materials were used in the simplest ways of ordinary buildings. Important buildings involved itinerant craftsman proudly showing off high quality structural engineering and carving skills. The use of cator and cribbage construction reached its zenith in this area. 

This report sheds on traditional construction techniques of Gilgit-Baltistan as well as their use for the new buildings. 

Source: Introduction


Ali, Wajahat. Traditional Construction Techniques of Gilgit-Baltistan and its Adoption for New Construction. 2010.

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Wajahat Ali

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