The Aga Khan Program at Harvard University publishes scholarly works on the history of Islamic art and architecture. Established in 1983, Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Cultures of the Islamic World, devoted primarily to the history of Islamic art and architecture, is a lively forum for discussion among scholars and students in the West and in the Islamic world. Subjects to be covered in its pages will include the whole sweep of Islamic art and architectural history up to present time, with attention devoted as well to aspects of Islamic culture, history, and learning.
Muqarnas Volume XXX: Celebrating Thirty Years of Muqarnas: This issue commemorates the thirtieth anniversary of Muqarnas. While the articles are not concentrated around this theme, they point to some of the discrete subfields and new directions of inquiry in the history of Islamic art and architecture that have developed since the journal's establishment in 1983.